RMLA Scholarship Report 2007

Mr Alan Dormer, the President of the Resource Management Law Association of New Zealand is pleased to announce that the Resource Management Law Association's Post Graduate Scholarship for 2007. Due to the high caliber of the applicants we decided to give the scholarship to two recipients, Kate Dick of Wellington and Lisa Daniell of Auckland.


Kate holds a Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours) and Bachelor of Arts (English) from the University of Canterbury. She has been working as a solicitor at Chapman Tripp in Wellington since February 2003, specialising in Resource Management and Environmental Law.

Kate has been admitted to the Master of Laws in Energy and Environmental Law programme at Katholieke Universiteit in Leuven, Belgium. The programme consists of teaching, an internship in either the environmental or energy sector in Brussels, special seminars and a Masters paper. It will examine a wide range of issues in energy and environmental law, including issues arising from international, European Community and comparative environmental and energy law.

For her Masters thesis, Kate proposes to analyse particular legal mechanisms that could be employed to address barriers to the development of sustainable electricity generation, an area increasingly driven by developments at the European Community and international level. Kate is particularly interested in the key role an effective planning system can play in the delivery of sustainable development, and the planning initiatives implemented for this purpose by EU member states in response to EU Directives, e.g. pre-planning mechanisms.

Kate has a number of hobbies and interests outside of her work and studies, including cooking and music. She has played the Flute for a number of years, recently sitting her A.T.C.L. (Recital) Diploma. She also volunteers for ESOL's mentoring service for skilled migrant and refugee job seekers from non-English speaking backgrounds.

Upon completion of the Masters programme, Kate intends to continue her career in the environmental law and policy field.


Lisa graduated with Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours) and Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) degrees from the University of Waikato in March 2004. Her honours dissertation focussed on climate change issues in New Zealand, and she has been practising in environment and resource management law full-time for the past three and a half years, based in Auckland.

Lisa has a particular interest in climate change issues facing New Zealand, and in the course of her employment, has been involved in advising clients on various climate change matters including Negotiated Greenhouse Agreements between the Crown and major emitters, the Projects to Reduce Emissions tender rounds, and other climate-related policy initiatives. In addition, she has assisted in advising clients on various renewable electricity schemes and forestry initiatives.

In 2008 Lisa intends to commence post-graduate studies at the Environmental Law Center at Vermont Law School in the USA. Vermont has a solid reputation for its specialist environment law courses and her studies will focus on climate change, energy and development law.

During her holidays and spare time Lisa enjoys the outdoors, tramping and sea kayaking and has participated in a number of triathlon and running events, having just completed her first (and last) marathon! Later this year she is looking forward to returning to Outward Bound as a volunteer support worker. Lisa has also enjoyed representing both Waikato (1998-2003) and North Harbour (2004-2006) in the Women's National Basketball League.

Dave Brash / Bill Loutit

Scholarship Committee


2007 Awards Report


RMLA Awards Report 2007