RMLA Post Graduate Scholarship : Award 2008
Heidi Baillie was the Scholarship winner for 2008. Heidi was born in Auckland, but spent much of her childhood in Southland before moving back to the 'big smoke'. Secondary school was largely spent absorbed in music as a pianist and cellist, and she worked for Concert FM in Wellington before leaving for a three year OE teaching English in the Czech Republic and South Korea.
Heidi travelled through Eastern Europe, China, Mongolia and Mayalsia before returning to New Zealand to complete a Bachelor of Science in Zoology and Statistics, and is now completing her thesis for the Master of Planning degree at Otago University. Her topic is integrated management by regional and district councils, and Heidi is conducting in-depth interviews with council staff in Southland, Otago, Canterbury and Marlborough, focusing on what cross-agency strategies are working well, what tensions are perceived between councils and what suggestions council staff has to improve working relationships with other councils.
Heidi worked part-time for Duffill Watts & King, a Dunedin engineering consultancy, since 2004 and is currently seconded part-time to the Dunedin City Council as a transportation planner. She also runs for the local harrier club and goes tramping when she has the time.
Once Heidi completes her thesis she intends to continue working as a planner and would like to do further research on local government law and council procedures.