RMLA 1996 Scholarships

RMLA award five annual scholarships to a total value of $15,000. The first five scholars were selected by a special committee set up for the purpose in 1996. Representing the New Zealand Vice Chancellors' Committee were Professor Roger Field, the convenor of the NZVCC Scholarship Committee and Professor John Burrowes, Pro-Vice Chancellor, University of Canterbury. Representing RMLA were Jim Wiltshire and Steven Bielby from Wellington.

Four undergraduate scholarships of $2,000 each were awarded. The successful applicants were Christina Sheard studying for a Master of Planning Practice at the University of Auckland; Gwenaele Rashbrooke, a final year LLB (Hons) student at Victoria University; Matthew Grainger who is in his third year of a Bachelor of Resource and Environmental Planning degree at Massey University; and Leo Watson who is studying at the University of Otago for a BA in Maori and an LLB (Honours) degree.

The graduate scholarship of $7,000 was awarded to University of Auckland Master of Science student Sharon de Luca. The award will help her fund her thesis project to be based from the University of Auckland Leigh Laboratory. Sharon has recently transferred from a Master of Science degree to a Doctor of Philosophy.


RMLA Fellowship Winner 2007


RMLA Scholarship 1998