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Webinar on RMA Amendment Bills

Lunchtime Webinar: Resource Management (Extended Duration of Coastal Permits for Marine Farms) Amendment Bill and Resource Management (Freshwater and Other Matters) Amendment Bill

Heads up to members that submissions on the above two Bills are due on 16 June 2024 and 30 June 2024 respectively.  With very short submission periods (just 10 days in the case of the Marine Farms Bill), you may be wondering if you’ve even got time to read the Bills.

RMLA is presenting a short lunchtime webinar, to be presented by past-RMLA President Sally Gepp, that will cover the Bills’ key components. The webinar is likely to be of particular value for members who are interested in law reform affecting marine spatial planning, aquaculture, freshwater policy including Te Mana o Te Wai, significant natural areas or the process for preparing national direction (NESs, NPSs, National Planning Standards, Regulations).

 Grab a sandwich and join Sally for a 45 minute webinar on Wednesday 12 June at 12.30 pm.

10 June

EDS Conference - The Future is Now

12 June

Southland/Otago Social Event POSTPONED