Come and join a virtual lunchtime seminar on a biodiversity credit system (currently out for consultation: Biodiversity credits: an incentive to support conservation efforts | Ministry for the Environment) and its potential integration with the recently released National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity. A biodiversity credit system could incentivise conservation efforts on private land, the marine environment, and waterways.
All welcome, member or non-member! Our panellists will be representatives from Ministry for Environment / Department of Conservation, Vaughan Keesing (ecologist – Blue Green Ecology), Torrey McDonnell (planner – Incite).
There will be a section for questions at the end too.
CPD available. Learning outcomes:
Understand how a biodiversity credit system may work in New Zealand;
Understand how a biodiversity credit system may integrate with existing planning and environment laws and regulations.
Please register below and login details will be sent to you the week beginning 16 October.