President’s report, AGM and announcement of new National Committee
Our Annual General Meeting took place on Friday 20 September 2024 at the Interwoven Futures Conference in Ngamotu New Plymouth. A copy of the Minutes from the AGM can be viewed here.
As expected, it has been a very busy year for everyone in the industry, our members and those people that give their time as volunteers. This includes those many members from our National, Regional Committees, Editorial and Pou Kaitiaki committees; the experts who all contributed to our submissions on legislation and policy; our truly wonderful sponsors; and of course the Conference Coordinating Committee and the team of professionals from Conference Innovators for delivering an exceptional conference.
We literally could not run the organisation and serve our members without you all and I give my sincere gratitude. It takes a team and collaborative approach, and I encourage you to read my President’s Report below as there are too many individuals to mention here.
Regarding the National Committee, I am pleased to confirm the committee members for the 2024/2025 term as follows:
Doug Fairgray
Julia Wick
Heike Lutz
Andrew Schulte
Ben Farrell
Clare Lenihan
Kate Stubbing
Barbara Mead
Alan Moss
Lauren Wallace
Tania Ruru- Dons
Rebekah Te Rito
Sarah Stevenson
I am looking forward to working with everyone over the coming 12 months.
Ngā mihi nui,
Ben Farrell, President, RMLA
(Photo L-R: Rebekah Te Rito, Kate Stubbing, Alan Moss, Julia Wick, Sarah Stevenson, Barbara Mead, Doug Fairgray, Clare Lenihan, Lauren Wallace, Andrew Schulte, Jesse Mulligan, Michelle Behrens, Ben Farrell)