Salmon Lecture: Tikanga in the Law Project

With less than one month away from this year’s Salmon Lecture, excitement is building as we prepare to gather in Auckland to hear from guest lecturer Paul Majurey. Paul will be presenting on the Tikanga in the Law Project: Aotearoa originalism or Potemkin Law? Legitimacy of all branches of government under the microscope.

Paul is renowned as an iwi leader, experienced governor and nationally recognised environmental and Treaty lawyer.  He has chaired three iwi collectives, comprising some 30 tribes.  He also chairs various statutory entities and companies, including Eke Panuku Development Auckland, the Tūpuna Maunga Authority and Te Pūia Tāpapa (the Māori Investment Fund).  Paul has appeared as senior counsel before the Privy Council, Supreme Court and specialist environmental and Treaty courts.  He has also served on Ministerial technical advisory groups and is a co-author of the leading environmental law textbook, Environmental Law in New Zealand.  Paul is of Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Whanaunga, Ngāti Pāoa and Ngāti Tamaterā (Marutūāhu) descent. Paul also happens to be an alumni of our 2024 sponsor, Russell McVeagh.

Paul will be talking on “Tikanga in Law Project: Aotearoa originalism or Potemkin Law? Legitimacy of all branches of government under the microscope”.

Although seats have sold out for in-person attendance, you can still purchase a ticket to view the livestreaming of this event. Alternatively, you can have the recording sent to you to view at a time that suits you. Tickets available below.

With special thanks to this year’s sponsor:


Conference early bird registrations still open


2024 Scholarships open with new Mātauranga Māori category