Annual Conference

The annual Resource Management Law Conference is the premiere event for environmental professionals nation-wide and 2024 promises to deliver another exceptional event.

Our 2024 conference will be set against the stunning backdrop of Taranaki Maunga and the highly energetic Taranaki coastline.

In a rapidly evolving world where environmental, social, economic and political challenges intersect, collaboration has emerged as a key driver of positive change. If we are to shape a more resilient, equitable and sustainable future, the need to work together has never been more important. Our theme "Interwoven Futures: Harnessing Collaborative Energy," seeks to delve into the ways in which practitioners, stakeholders, tangata whenua, and the wider community can work together to co-create solutions to address pressing environmental challenges, promote social justice, and foster economic resilience. Taranaki is at the forefront of New Zealand’s renewable energy transition and is well placed to demonstrate the transformative power of collaboration.

Keynote Speakers and Thought Leaders

Renowned experts and thought leaders will share their insights and experiences on collaborative resource management. From Iwi leaders advocating for cultural resilience to entrepreneurs driving clean tech innovation, our speakers will inspire and challenge us to think differently about our interwoven futures.

Networking and Collaboration Opportunities

The conference will also provide ample opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration. Workshop sessions will delve into case studies, best practices, and emerging trends that showcase collaborative initiatives. Social functions will also provide an opportunity for attendees to foster the spirit of collaboration and camaraderie beyond the conference venue and to immerse themselves in the region’s vibrant art and culinary scene.

Experience Taranaki

Beyond the conference sessions, we invite you to explore the magic of the Taranaki region. Fieldtrips will allow attendees to explore Taranaki Maunga, hang ten on Surf Highway 45, meander along New Plymouth’s award winning coastal walkway, delight in the world-renowned botanical wonder that is Pukekura Park, engage with sites of historical and cultural significance, and indulge their culinary senses in the vibrant New Plymouth CBD, home to an array of eateries, coffee houses, breweries, and distilleries.

We hope you will join us at this critical juncture for resource management in Aotearoa to explore how collaborative threads can be weaved together to realise powerful possibilities and to form the fabric of positive change.

We look forward to welcoming you to Taranaki, a region like no other.

Lauren Wallace, Cam Twigley and Damian Ellerton
Co-convenors | RMLA Conference 2024

  • Ngā mihi nui, thank you

    Among the many strengths of resource management practitioners is our ability to think fast; apply our expertise to unique problems and projects; adapt to a constantly evolving regulatory framework; and take into account intensifying global pressures and national imperatives. These pressures require us to be prepared to take bold steps and plot new paths to ensure that the wellbeing of our communities, businesses and the environment can be sustained and thrive together.

    The RMLA 2023 conference theme of Pivoting in Paradise/Whakatipua* challenged our thinking on when and where we need to take a new direction, refocused our priorities and helped to adopt new approaches to achieve a more sustainable future.

    Thank you for joining us in this important korero and learning what it takes to pivot in paradise.

    Natalie Hampson, Maree Baker-Galloway, Liz Simpson Co-convenors.

    *Kai Tahu kupu for growth, future, sustainability

Thank you to our 2023 sponsors.