President’s Update


I’m delighted that RMLA is hosting Minister Eugenie Sage on 6 June both in person and via webinar. I encourage you all to register for it here 

As Minister for Conservation and Land Information and Associate Minister for the Environment, Minister Sage has a broad portfolio and an important influence on all that we do. In many ways, the work that she has been undertaking has gone under the radar for members so I’m sure you’ll be enlightened by joining that presentation. If you have any particular issues that you want us to address with Minister Sage at the seminar or in direct discussions please let me know.

I also invite you to consider contributing to our Resource Management Journal. We republish articles from the journal in our newsletter. So you’ll have seen that our members provide content that is thought-provoking and diverse. It isn’t difficult to contribute – you don’t need to be a lawyer; only 2,000 words or less are required. Give it some thought – they’re published once a quarter and synopses are being considered now for the next edition.  See here for more information.

This week our National Committee met and discussed the wide range of work that is being undertaken across the country. I believe we’re lucky to have a highly engaged regions and a National Committee that strives hard to provide value for our membership. However, we’re conscious of the importance of continually improving. One action from our meeting is to survey past members who haven’t renewed their membership to check on reasons for their non-renewal. If you have any feedback in that vein, please do contact me and let me know, thanks. 

In the meantime, today I’m catching up with Dunedin practitioners and I’m looking forward to swapping stories about RMLA experiences around the country. Sadly, no opportunities for me to visit a crib this time!

I hope you all have a good weekend.

Noho ora mai



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