One onshore petroleum exploration permit granted

One petroleum exploration permit has been granted for Block Offer 2018.

The successful bid was granted to Todd Exploration Management Services Limited for an area covering 105km2, east of Inglewood, in onshore Taranaki.

Todd Exploration Management Services Limited is owned by Todd Corporation, the largest privately-owned energy company in New Zealand.

A number of bids were submitted for Block Offer 2018 and all underwent a robust and thorough evaluation by New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals, which is part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.

The release area for Block Offer 2018 was restricted to the onshore Taranaki region, covering 2188 km2.

It followed a law change in November 2018 that gave effect to the Government’s announcement that it would no longer grant offshore petroleum exploration permits and would restrict future block offers to the onshore Taranaki region.


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