Auckland annual dwelling consents top 15,000 for first time

More than 15,000 dwelling consents were issued in Auckland in 2019, an all-time record and an 18 per cent rise in consents issued year-on-year.

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff said, “Last year, an unprecedented 15,154 dwellings were consented in Auckland—significantly higher than the previous peak of around 13,000 in the mid-1970s."

“To put this number in perspective, 15,154 dwellings consented in Auckland in 2019 is just 38 shy of the total number consented in the four years of 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 combined."

“About 1500 more dwellings were consented in Auckland last year than were consented in all of New Zealand—including Auckland—in 2011."

“As well as this record-breaking total number, 2019 was the first calendar year since records began in which every month saw at least 1000 dwellings consented in Auckland."


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