Greater Wellington embraces the trend towards electric vehicles

Electric vehicles are critical to decarbonising road transport, so the Greater Wellington Regional Council has endorsed an advisory report on ‘Supporting Electric Vehicles in the Wellington Region’.

Greater Wellington Climate Committee Chair Thomas Nash says the report, commissioned by electric line companies and councils who collaborate via the Regional EV Working Group, shows how it is possible to meet net zero emissions targets by working closely together to influence government policy on the key issues of access to EVs, electricity supply and charging infrastructure.

“There is still time for us to halve net emissions globally by 2030 and to reach zero by 2050 so that we can limit global warming to within 1.5 degrees Celsius.

“New Zealand can reach this goal and lead the way by ensuring all new vehicles are electric from 2030 at the latest,” Cr Nash says.

The advisory report says local government and electricity network companies play key roles in providing leadership, supporting the development of infrastructure, and in the promotion of electric vehicles.

“We all need to incorporate EVs in organisational planning, strategy and operations, prioritise EVs in fleet procurement decisions, advocate for public EV chargers, and facilitate the uptake of battery-electric buses for public transport.

“So far this report has been endorsed by Greater Wellington and Masterton District Council, and recommendations taken from it will be built into regional council’s plans, such as those for emissions reduction and transport.”


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