LGNZ brings more tools to climate emergency fight

LGNZ is equipping councils with another key policy tool to help them gear their communities up for the impact of climate change with the release of the Exposed: Climate change and infrastructure guidance document.

Designed to provide councils with a consistent approach for assessing community asset exposure to sea level rise and inland flood risk, ‘Exposed,’ follows on from the ‘Vulnerable’ report, which highlighted the billions of dollars of local government infrastructure at risk from sea level rise.

“We’ve seen a number of councils declare climate emergencies, and this is another tool for them to use to better understand the impacts and prepare accordingly,” says LGNZ President Dave Cull.

“Some councils have been accused of overreacting to climate change and not having a plan of attack, which couldn’t be further from the truth. As a sector local government is leading the charge when it comes to climate change adaptation in New Zealand.”


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