Government moves to protect elite soils

New Zealand’s most fertile and versatile land will be given new protection.

The Government’s draft National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land proposes a nationwide approach to protecting our most productive land for future generations.

“Our land is a precious taonga – an irreplaceable treasure and a source of life and wellness for our country,” says Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor said.

“One of the greatest challenges facing the world right now is the need to feed a growing population. We have a well-earned reputation for producing some of the best food in the world."

“Continuing to grow food in the volumes and quality we have come to expect depends on the availability of land and the quality of the soil. Once productive land is built on, we can’t use it for food production, which is why we need to act now."

“We cannot afford to lose our most highly productive land. It brings significant economic benefits including employment for nearby communities, and adds significant value to New Zealand’s primary sector,” he said.

Environment Minister David Parker said the Government’s draft National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land proposes a nationwide approach to protecting our most productive land for future generations.

Read the consultation document(Consultation closes at 5 pm 10 October 2019)


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