New agreement to protect citrus industry

Biosecurity New Zealand and Citrus New Zealand have reached an agreement on how to prepare for and respond to future biosecurity threats

Both parties signed a Sector Operational Agreement for Readiness and Response today under the Government-Industry Agreement (GIA) partnership. They have committed to undertake a joint 3-year programme of work to better protect the citrus industry from biosecurity threats.

"The GIA partnership enables us to work alongside industry to better understand the risks, and how we might deal with them if they reach our shores," says Roger Smith, head of Biosecurity New Zealand.

"The pressure on our biosecurity system is increasing and we have to be better prepared for outbreaks."

Under the agreement, Biosecurity New Zealand and Citrus New Zealand will jointly agree and fund readiness activities to improve preparedness for incursions of pests and pathogens that are considered a major concern to the citrus industry.

Biosecurity New Zealand and Citrus New Zealand joined the GIA in 2014 and 2016 respectively.


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