Progress towards the identification of potentially earthquake-prone buildings

MBIE has released a report that outlines progress towards the identification of potentially earthquake-prone buildings.

The Building Act 2004 requires all territorial authorities with an area of high seismic risk in their district to report annually to MBIE from 2018 for five years. By 1 January 2020, all priority buildings that are potentially earthquake-prone must have been identified.

By 1 January 2022, all other potentially earthquake-prone buildings in high seismic risk areas must be identified.

Of the 38 territorial authorities with an area of high seismic risk, seven estimate they have no potentially earthquake-prone buildings to identify. The other 31 are in the identification process and estimate they have a total of approximately 4500 potentially earthquake-prone buildings left to be identified.

The first progress report for areas of medium seismic risk is due mid-2019.

Read the report


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